Restorative Heart Coaching Sessions
Restorative Heart Coaching Sessions help us to deal with past trauma, hurts, lies, and wounds. A Christian faith based approach that combines psychology, emotional healing strategies, and prayer. These strategies combined with our coaching sessions are designed to really examine fear, trauma, and family systems.
Book Your Session
Translation in French and Spanish Available for an Additional Cost
First Time Booking a Session
First time booking a session or is your last session happened MORE THAN A YEAR AGO? If the answer is YES, then book your session below.
Second time or more booking a session?
Did your last Restorative Heart Coaching session with us happen LESS THAN 1 YEAR AGO? If the answer is YES, then book your session below.
Restorative Heart Coaching Sessions
Curious whether you should have a Restorative Heart Coaching? Use our checklist to determine whether you need a heart healing session.
A Christian faith based approach that combines psychology, emotional healing strategies, and prayer. These strategies combined with our coaching sessions are designed to really examine fear, trauma, and family systems. You can also request these sessions as a stand alone sessions as well.
At the end of the session, the ministry may also make recommendations to assist the person with maintaining or gaining more freedom such as additional sessions, contact with a licensed counselor, coach, or group therapy.
The sessions are held via Zoom and range from 60 -120 mins. Translation in French and Spanish is available for an additional fee. Learn More about Translation.